David Roddick – Sales & Marketing Director, Adshel

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For more than 3 years evolveGrow’s down-to-earth and practical approach has been bringing the best results out of every Adshel sales person and added huge value to the way we go to market. Adshel has worked with evolveGrow to design and build a customised sales process, to work with the leadership on their skills and to provide one-on-one coaching where required.
What could have remained theory or concepts are consistently brought out of the classroom through the use of real world case studies and a clear practical understanding of what happens in the heat of battle. The strength of our long term relationship is that the team now feel that evolveGrow is part of their group and absolute trust of the facilitators is a given.  The result is that the team quickly adopt what they learn and the language of the salesfloor changes slightly after every workshop to reflect their enhanced skills.

Under evolveGrow’s guidance, the Adshel sales team has designed and built a bespoke sales process, teaching to newcomers and assessing its execution themselves, meaning they are completely invested in its success. The process has become a source of immense pride for the group and is part of being an Adshelian. At a more senior level, Suzy Berry’s coaching has helped those new to leadership understand what it means to be  more than a super-salesperson, and accelerated the degree of maturity shown by the leadership team.

Since 2015 Adshel has benefited greatly from our ongoing relationship with evolveGrow and look forward to it continuing to add value to the ways we generate revenue for the years to come.

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